
Anabolic Window: The “Magic Time” For Building Muscle

Anabolic Window: The “Magic Time” For Building Muscle

In this video, Team JYM's Milos Sarcev discusses how to take advantage of your most important body-changing opportunity of the day.

Your body is not in a constant state. Sometimes it’s in a state of relaxation, when you need to rest and recover (sleep). Other times it’s in an active, alert state; that’s when you train.

And then there are times when the body is primed for muscle growth – this is called the “anabolic window,” and it’s only open for so long.

What (and When) Is the Anabolic Window?

The anabolic window occurs during and shortly after an intense training session. Your muscle fibers are being broken down from the stress placed on them, which presents the opportunity to build them back up bigger and stronger. As Milos Sarcev says in the above video, the muscles now “have a reason to grow… it’s ‘Magic Time.’”


But whether they grow or not depends on if they’re fed the appropriate amino acids in sufficient amounts during this anabolic window – amino acids and amounts, mind you, that can all be found in Pre JYM, Pre JYM X, and Post JYM. Sarcev is also a proponent of consuming fast-digesting carbohydrates, which can be found in Post JYM Fast Carb. The amino acids from a high-quality protein source (Pro JYM, Plant JYM, or Iso JYM) taken post-workout are important for muscle repair and recovery, too.


If the muscles are fed all of these amino acids when they’re ready for them – again, during and shortly after your lifting workouts – your muscles will subsequently grow bigger and stronger. However, if you let the anabolic window pass without feeding your muscles the aminos they need, you’ve just wasted a golden muscle-growing opportunity. 

How Long Is the Anabolic Window Open?

Much debate surrounds this question. Up to an hour after your workout? Maybe only 30 minutes? Because every person and situation is different, we don’t know for sure, which is why best practice is to feed your muscles as soon as possible after workout – and as Sarcev recommends, even consider sipping on amino acids during the training session to get a jumpstart.

One thing is certain: the anabolic window is real. Your muscle tissues are begging for nutrients (amino acids) to maximize protein synthesis and grow bigger and stronger. Question is, will you give the muscles what they’re wanting?

How to Maximize the Anabolic Window

Here’s a quick cheat sheet, based on both Sarcev and Dr. Stoppani’s recommendations, on how to deliver to your muscles the amino acids they need, when they need them:

30 Minutes Before Your Workout

Start sipping on Pre JYM or Pre JYM X. (One scoop mixed in cold water)

During Your Workout

Continue sipping on the Pre JYM or Pre JYM X from before the workout, finishing it sometime during the session. To increase insulin release and maximize the muscles’ uptake of amino acids, also sip on Post JYM Fast Carb at this time.

Immediately After Your Workout

Mix Post JYM (one scoop mixed in cold water) and sip on it over the course of 10-20 minutes. If you didn’t take Post JYM Fast Carb before, consider taking it at this time. When you’re done with your Post JYM, mix 1-2 scoops of Pro JYM, Plant JYM, or Iso JYM in cold water (or preferred milk source) and chug.

Take advantage of the Anabolic window with Pre JYM X.

Pre JYM X - Tiger's Blood

Pre JYM X - Tiger's Blood

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