
L-Tyrosine: Your Secret Weapon For Better Energy and Mental Focus

L-Tyrosine: Your Secret Weapon For Better Energy and Mental Focus

The benefits of this key amino acid present in both Shred JYM and SS8 extend far beyond fat loss.

Think you don’t need either of my fat burners — Shred JYM and SS8 — because you’re already lean or not currently in a fat loss phase? Maybe you don’t need one specifically to burn body fat, but these products can help you in other areas, too.

The ingredients in both of my fat burners, specifically l-tyrosine, extend beyond mere fat loss. Enhanced focus and intensity in the gym for better overall results from your workouts are the hidden benefits of l-tyrosine… and why you may need to give Shred JYM and SS8 a second look.

The Power of L-Tyrosine

L-tyrosine is a powerful amino acid that, when taken in the right amount, significantly enhances mental alertness and focus. Both Shred JYM and SS8 contain 500 mg of L-tyrosine, a dose robust enough to positively impact your mental state.

Numerous studies have demonstrated that L-tyrosine increases alertness, enhances mood, and boosts energy levels—especially when used in conjunction with caffeine, as it is in both Shred JYM and SS8. This synergy not only helps you remain sharp and focused during your workouts but also supports sustained energy levels, which is crucial if you're on a calorie-deficit or low-carb diet.

L-tyrosine aids in the production of several key hormones and neurotransmitters such as dopamine, epinephrine (adrenaline), norepinephrine, and thyroid hormones. The increased levels of these neurotransmitters significantly improve alertness and focus. This is particularly beneficial during periods of dietary restrictions, where your natural energy levels and mental clarity might wane. Using Shred JYM or SS8 can provide the necessary hormonal boost to maintain intense training sessions.

And don’t discount the value of better energy and mental focus outside of the gym. At work or school (taking a test or just staying alert during a lecture) are both situations where you’ll want to be at your best cognitively, and l-tyrosine can provide a big boost in either case.

So, before you dismiss fat burners as unnecessary, think about the additional performance benefits l-tyrosine can offer – both inside and outside of the gym.

How to Use a Fat Burner Along With Your Pre-Workout

I often get asked how to take either Shred JYM or SS8 in addition to Pre JYM, my award-winning pre-workout. The concern here centers around caffeine; you’ll get 200-300 mg of it per serving with a fat burner (200 mg with Shred JYM or 300 mg with SS8) as well as 300 mg from Pre JYM. It’s probably best not to take both a fat burner and Pre JYM at the same time, since that would be one heck of a caffeine jolt.

I recommend taking your fat burner (either Shred JYM or SS8) several hours before or after Pre JYM. Here are some simple guidelines to follow depending on what time of day you train:

  • If you work out in the afternoon, take Shred JYM/SS8 in the morning (where the alertness boost will help at work or school) and then have Pre JYM in the 30 minutes leading up to your workout.
  • If you train in the morning, take Pre JYM before the workout, then take Shred JYM/SS8 a few hours after the workout.
  • If you train at night, take Shred JYM/SS8 anytime in the morning or afternoon.
  • On non-training days, take Shred JYM/SS8 in the morning or afternoon.

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