There's a major potassium problem with many sports drinks... and JYM Hydration solves it.
Guess what? Supplement brands are at it again — putting only a smidge of key ingredients in their products. This time, it's hydration drinks, and the key ingredient in question is potassium.
Potassium is a key electrolyte for muscle and nerve function. Without adequate potassium in your system during and after strenuous exercise, fatigue will set in faster, you may experience muscle cramps, and your hydration levels will be suboptimal... which means your performance will suffer.
Yet, many hydration drinks on the market include only a pixy dust amount of potassium. In this video, Dr. Jim Stoppani discusses this problem and explains the importance of potassium in his brand-new JYM Hydration product.
True Performance Hydration
JYM Hydration - Piña colada
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